Editorial Policy

On GlamiVibe.com, before we publish our articles, they go through a stringent and thorough editorial review process.

This helps to ensure all the information contained within the article is correct, accurate, factual, timely, and reliable.


During the research and writing phase of the articles published on our website, our passionate team of writers will find reliable and authoritative references and resources that are often cited within our articles, or at the bottom of each article where applicable.

If we have cited or linked to other authoritative resources and references within our articles. This is often because they contain further authoritative information relating to the topic or content found within that article that may be helpful for our readers.

Facts & Grammar

Once our articles are written, before publishing, they go through a thorough fact-checking, proofreading, and editorial review process by our editors and experts.

At this editing stage, our editor confirms the answers within the article are factual and correct, and they proofread all of the text to ensure accuracy and readability.

They also check the written content using plagiarism tools, and grammar tools such as Grammarly to remove any grammatical errors and ensure our content is always unique.

By following this editorial process, we can help to ensure all of the content found on GlamiVibe.com is helpful, high quality, original, well-researched, factual, and dependable for our readers.

If you have found any grammatical mistakes, and believe something is incorrect or requires additional information to be added. Please feel free to contact us here and let us know. You can also discover more about us on our about page.